Thursday, April 05, 2018

Buyer beware

Facebook has 2.2 billion users. That's over one quarter of the world's population.

Facebook continues to collect as much data as it can about you, your friends, your family, social groups and all the world's organisations, including everything from bands to businesses and police forces to political parties.

If Facebook was a government, you would be terrified by how much they know about you, including your shopping habits, your biometric data, your internet browsing history, the movies you watch, the books you read, the things you talk about with your friends, which bars you frequent, how much you drink, your current location and your political leanings.

Facebook has little to no oversight regarding what information it collects, how it uses it internally or who it gives it to.

Facebook was hugely influential in the US election and the UK EU Referendum - to what extent we still don't really know. They may well have broken campaign laws by penalising parties for not being divisive/offensive and they definitely have shared political advertising without labelling it as such or making known the source of funding. They continue to fight against various states and countries where they may have violated election law.

Facebook is actively campaigning against a number of potential privacy laws, is fighting privacy lawsuits across the world, has been involved in a great number of privacy battles in the past and continues to reject any notion of privacy unless legally forced to do so.

Each of the following links refer to separate cases from the past couple of years, and I suspect there's a lot more out there to be found.